Re: Furigana

From: Doug Ewell (
Date: Wed Aug 14 2002 - 01:35:38 EDT

Tex Texin <tex at i18nguy dot com> wrote:

> As I read that material, I take it to be saying that senders should
> remove the I.A. characters.

What if I *want* to design an annotation-aware rendering mechanism?
Suppose I read Section 13.6 and decide that, instead of just throwing
the annotation characters away, I should attempt to display them
directly above (and smaller than) the "normal" text, the way furigana
are displayed above kanji.

This would work not only for typical Japanese ruby, but also for
Michael's English-or-Swedish-over-Bliss scenario. It might even be
useful in assisting beleaguered Azerbaijanis, for example, by annotating
Latin-script text with its Cyrillic equivalent. (Just a thought.)

Would this be conformant?

-Doug Ewell
 Fullerton, California

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