Re: Historians- what is origin of i18n, l10n, etc.?

From: Barry Caplan (
Date: Thu Oct 10 2002 - 20:00:16 EDT

  • Next message: Barry Caplan: "Re: Historians- what is origin of i18n, l10n, etc.?"

    At 07:34 PM 10/10/2002 -0400, Tex Texin wrote:

    >Mark Davis wrote:
    >> We used the term "internationalization" in Apple in late 85. We might have
    >> also used it earlier than that, I don't remember.
    >> W0e n3r u2d t1e g1d-a3l, g3y a1d o5e a10n "i18n", h5r!


    Given the center of work in the i18n and l10n area that has emerged in Ireland (and other places) are you more partial to "internationali1ation" and "locali1ation"? :)


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