Re: Long S on keyboard (was: Character identities)

From: Michael Everson (
Date: Thu Oct 24 2002 - 13:35:26 EDT

  • Next message: Kent Karlsson: "RE: Character identities"

    At 12:47 -0400 2002-10-24, Patrick Andries wrote:
    >----- Message d'origine -----
    >De : "Otto Stolz" <>
    >ˆÄ : "Doug Ewell" <>
    >Cc : "Unicode Mailing List" <>; "Torsten Mohrin"
    >Envoyˆ© : 24 oct. 2002 12:06
    >Objet : Long S on keyboard (was: Character identities)
    >> Doug Ewell wrote:
    >> > I'm not aware of any keyboard layout, German or otherwise, that contains
    >> > U+017F. Would it be reasonable to suggest that it be added to the
    > > > standard German layout? AltGr+s seems to be available.

    I'm developing some drivers which take it into account. Of course GHA
    and WYNN and HWAIR are of greater concern to me....

    Michael Everson * * Everson Typography *  *

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