Re: PRODUCING and DESCRIBING UTF-8 with and without BOM

From: Michael \(michka\) Kaplan (
Date: Mon Nov 04 2002 - 12:30:40 EST

  • Next message: Dominikus Scherkl: "RE: In defense of Plane 14 language tags (long)"

    From: "Joseph Boyle" <>

    > No, the notation to say "BOM required (report any files without BOM)",
    > not allowed (report any files with BOM)", or "BOM optional (only report
    > files if they are not valid UTF-8 at all)", for a given file type.

    Well, yes. If you wanted to avoid making it SIMPLE. A low level conversion
    application does not need to care about such things. And most would refuse
    to bother with a feature like that?

    And once again, adding a name would not solve the problem.


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