RE: Anyone who can write Hindi on the Unicode List?

From: John Hudson (
Date: Thu Nov 21 2002 - 12:21:24 EST

  • Next message: Anto'nio Martins-Tuva'lkin: "Re: [OT] Curious about persian page numbers"

    At 05:34 AM 11/21/2002, Gary P. Grosso wrote:

    >As this will likely come up in my line of work (tech support and
    >troubleshooting for products which, among other things, export HTML),
    >I would be interested in any more detail/explanation (or pointers to
    >such) about "using Uniscribe for complex text rendering" and/or why
    >using Arial Unicode MS would cause such a problem, or why using a
    >different font would solve the problem.

    Uniscribe contains the MS complex script shaping engines. These perform a
    variety of functions, depending on the script, including character
    re-ordering and application of OpenType Layout features for basic language
    shaping. In order for a Uniscribe application to correctly display a
    complex script, the version of Uniscribe that supports the script must be
    installed (Uniscribe ships with Windows and with IE; depending on the
    version of Windows or IE, you will encounter slightly different script
    support/implementation), and you need a font that contains appropriate
    OpenType Layout (glyph substitution and glyph positioning) to render the
    script. The current shipping version of Arial Unicode MS contains basic
    Hindi characters, but does not contain the additional glyphs or layout
    features necessary to correctly display Hindi; I believe MS are working on
    an update to this font.

    For more information see:

    >I think I'm "hearing" that some combination and/or reordering
    >of glyphs is needed for Hindi, and just having the right characters
    >alone isn't enough... is that on the right track?

    Correct. This is why Hindi is a 'complex script'.

    John Hudson

    Tiro Typeworks
    Vancouver, BC

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