From: Sarasvati (
Date: Fri Nov 22 2002 - 15:32:24 EST
Hello Unicadettes...
This is a public service announcement.
Recently I have noted an alarming increase in list mail being rejected
by gateways such as Hotmail and Yahoo due to user accounts being over
If you wish to receive uninterrupted service, please make sure
you keep enough open space in your mailbox. If you will be going on
vacation, you can visit the Unicode mail list web page for instructions
on how to set vacation mode, or to temporarily unsubscribe.
Because we receive so many bounced messages, and because people do
sometimes change addresses without unsubscribing, we automatically
remove people from the mail list after receiving 15 undeliverable
returns over a four day period.
There is almost always traffic on this mail list each day, so if
you haven't received any Unicode mail for a few days, and your
account is near its quota, you might have been removed from the list.
Simply visit the mail list page and re-subscribe. You can also see
if you have missed any mail by visiting the mail list archives and
looking at the current archive.
Cheery regards from your,
-- Sarasvati
This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.5 : Fri Nov 22 2002 - 16:20:36 EST