Re: Private Use Area

From: Eric Muller (
Date: Thu Apr 24 2003 - 11:49:23 EDT

  • Next message: Doug Ewell: "Re: Private Use Area"

    Michael Everson wrote:

    > We have chosen U+E659 and U+E0B4 and hope that the suppliers of OSes
    > have not used these codes.

    HKSCS defines three mappings to 10646: the first to 10646-1:1993, the
    second to 10646-1:2000, and the third to 10646-1:2000 + 10646-2:2001. In
    the first two, H+9877 is mapped to U+E659; in the last one, H+9877 goes
    to U+2261B. The first mapping involves 2,226 BMP PUA scalar values, so
    you have about one chance in three of a conflict. You can get the
    mappings at <>.

    Adobe's PUA usage (fortunately deprecated now) involves U+F634 .. U+F8FE.

    GB 18030-2000 has representative glyphs in the printed standard for the
    following BMP PUA scalar values: E78D .. E796, E7C7, E816 .. E818, E818,
    E81E, E826, E82B, E82C, E831, E832, E83B, E842, E854, E855, E864.


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