Re: Private Use Area

From: Jungshik Shin (
Date: Fri Apr 25 2003 - 02:01:02 EDT

  • Next message: N. R. Liwal: "Re: Private Use Area"

    On Thu, 24 Apr 2003, Michael Everson wrote:

    > Can anyone tell me what Private Use Area characters have *not* been
    > used by Adobe, Apple, Microsoft, Linux, or the Government of China?

      It seems like a lot of Thai truetype fonts (without GSUB/GPOS tables)
    for Windows use U+F700 - U+F717 for presentation forms (with direct
    one-to-one mapping from code slots used for the same purpose in
    'Windows-874/tis620-2' fonts). However, I don't believe those codepoints
    are used in _text/document_ encoding by Windows. Some 'Thainess' might
    have been attached to them by some Windows applications (as it turned
    out to be the case for PUA codepoints mapped from UDC areas of legacy
    CJK encodings), but I guess/hope not. I think opentype fonts for Thai
    began to emerge.


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