From: Maurice Bauhahn (
Date: Thu May 01 2003 - 17:45:44 EDT
Database gurus...please help.
I'm trying to find/create scripts to create (and the escaped Unicode in SQL
to populate) simple Unicode databases for many commercial and non-commercial
databases (Oracle, DB2, MS Access, MS SQL Server, Sybase, Informix,
Terradata, MySQL, PostgreSQL, PointBase, iAnywhere, SQLBase, etc). An
immediate project is to fill such databases with the Unicode equivalents of
characters in major Microsoft CodePages (hence the reference to
CP1250_ora.sql below), using database clients to convert those back into
CodePage points. Please feel free to critique what I present below for DB2
and Oracle.
I would welcome similar contributions (setup instructions on creating
Unicode databases, scripts that create simple databases and tables, syntax
for inserting escaped Unicode values into fields of those tables,
instructions for retrieving such data from command line database clients in
various encodings) for any other major database. I'm particularly interested
in working with common datatypes like CHAR, VARCHAR and only secondarily in
NCHAR-like datatypes that are 'forced' Unicode datatypes.
I would be happy to make the text of this research available to anyone who
wants them (hopefully after they have been perfected by helpful
*****DB2 v8:
create database mydatabase ccsid unicode;
create tablespace mytablespace in mydatabase ccsid unicode;
create table myutf (mytext char(100), mycodepage integer) ccsid unicode;
*****DB2 v7:
db2set db2codepage=1250
Create directory on Windows D drive: myutf8
DB2PATH should point to DB2 executable location
Open a command line screen and type:
Open another window and type:
db2cc #to start the control centre
within that application type/choose(or use the wizard):
quit that and type at command line:
chcp 1250
change directory to the same location of your CP1250_db2.sql script
connect to myutf8
create table myutf (mytext char(100), mycodepage integer);
db2 -t -f CP1250_db2.sql
The script CP1250_db2.sql ends:
insert into myutf (mytext, mycodepage) VALUES
*****For Oracle 8/9:
create database mydb datafile '/export/home/oracle/software/9i/data.db'
character set utf8 national character set AL16UTF16;
create table myutf (mytext varchar(100), mycodepage number(4));
The script CP1250_ora.sql ends:
insert into myutf (mytext, mycodepage) VALUES
Maurice Bauhahn
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