Re: Sorting fonts by unicode

From: Raymond Mercier (
Date: Fri May 02 2003 - 01:48:43 EDT

  • Next message: SRIDHARAN Aravind: "Displaying unicode in browser"

    Thanks. The problem was just one of memory. In my haste I had left the code
    set up for only 300 ttc, and so I will readjust with dynamic memory
    allocation. Meanwhile, I will send you separately a test version set to
    accomodate the numbers you stated.

    At 14:36 01/05/2003 -0700, you wrote:
    >Fonts are:
    >TTF 550
    >TTC 6
    >FON 199
    >OTF 25
    >PFB 31
    >I think that's all.
    > Rick
    > > Could you tell me please how many fonts you have on the disk (ttf and ttc
    > > separately, if possible).

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