From: Pim Blokland (
Date: Wed May 07 2003 - 13:42:33 EDT
While I agree that this is not the place to announce the release of
new fonts (and unfinished at that - William has announced several
different versions of his font already), and I'm also not overly
fond of long-windedness, I do wonder about generalized statements
such as "this is not the place to discuss fonts".
IMHO, fonts are a very prominent aspect of the whole Unicode system
If someone comes in here complaining that they see a Klingon Empire
symbol on their screen where they expected an Apple symbol, do we
send them away? Or if someone asks how to display Braille letters?
Or if it's allowed to create a letter i that is a composite
character, made up out of a U+0131 and a U+0307?
Pim Blokland
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