From: Michael \(michka\) Kaplan (
Date: Fri May 09 2003 - 09:20:51 EDT
From: "Jungshik Shin" <>
> (3) Is there any way (IF it's allowed) to express the authorial intent
> to render U+2062-like characters with visible glyphs?
It is impossible to say what the intent might be, but lets consider the
following examples:
1) The Unicode Standard book and the code charts, which have special
reference glyphs for these code points
2) Any publication attempting to describe these code points tordinarily hat
have no visible representation in text
3) Specialized apps like the MS Keyboard Layout Creator which need to have
visible representations to keep users from being confused about whether
keystrokes have been assigned, even if they are technically "invisible"
characters in normal use
In each of the above cases, it makes sense to have a special font produce a
visible representation for these code points. The intent of each of these
cases is slightly different, of course; I am sure one could think of other
such "specialty" cases.
MichKa [MS]
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