Re: visible glyphs for U+2062 and similar characters

From: Mark Davis (
Date: Fri May 09 2003 - 13:59:01 EDT

  • Next message: Michael Everson: "Re: ICE2"

    > > > to render U+2062-like characters with visible glyphs?

    If you are looking for the list, it is the
    Default_Ignorable_Code_Points in the UCD:

    These are characters that are zero-width and invisible, but that may
    have an effect on formatting if supported. There is a more thorough
    description in the text of 4.0, once it is available.

    Märk Davis
    IBM, MS 50-2/B11, 5600 Cottle Rd, SJ CA 95193
    (408) 256-3148
    fax: (408) 256-0799

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Jungshik Shin" <>
    To: "Michael (michka) Kaplan" <>
    Cc: "Unicode Mailing List" <>;
    Sent: Friday, May 09, 2003 06:42
    Subject: Re: visible glyphs for U+2062 and similar characters

    > On Fri, 9 May 2003, Michael (michka) Kaplan wrote:
    > > From: "Jungshik Shin" <>
    > >
    > > > (3) Is there any way (IF it's allowed) to express the authorial
    > > > to render U+2062-like characters with visible glyphs?
    > >
    > > It is impossible to say what the intent might be, but lets
    consider the
    > > following examples:
    > >
    > good examples snipped...
    > > In each of the above cases, it makes sense to have a special font
    produce a
    > > visible representation for these code points. The intent of each
    of these
    > > cases is slightly different, of course; I am sure one could think
    of other
    > > such "specialty" cases.
    > What you listed above pretty much covers what I had in mind.
    > it just occurred to me that we may make opentype GSUB feature for
    > the invisible to the visible (unless there's one already) that is
    > by default (i.e. the nominal glyphs for them are invisible or very
    > space). That way, ordinary programs (without special need) can
    > render them invisible (or very thin space as font developers see
    > while specialty programs like character pickers or typesetting /
    > processing programs, MathML editors or (La)TeX/Omega/Lambda
    > (e.g. Scientific Word, Lyx or typical TeX shell such as WinEdit)
    > turn on the feature and show them visually.
    > Jungshik
    > P.S. : Copy is being sent to opentype list as well.

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