Re: suggestions for strategy on dealing with plain text in potentially any (unspecified) encoding?

From: Ben Dougall (
Date: Sat May 10 2003 - 15:16:44 EDT

  • Next message: Allen Haaheim: "Re: suggestions for strategy on dealing with plain text in potentially any (unspecified) encoding?"

    sorry about the repeated mail. i waited 2 days before deciding it had
    failed and sent again, and then a few hours later the 1st one appears /
    arrives. emails taking 2 days to arrive?! something's up with my isp i
    think. they'd be better off not sending it after that much time. oh

    thanks for all the replies and info on this - plenty to be going on.
    thanks very much.

    On Thursday, May 8, 2003, at 09:50 pm, Ben Dougall wrote:

    > this is about all text encodings including unicode and converting that
    > text into unicode:
    > i'm starting to make an app in mac os x. i want to enable it to take
    > in any plain text, in any encoding - at least the standard-ish ones in
    > use - any language though, and convert that text ....

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