Re: how to sort by stroke (not radical/stroke)

From: Gary P. Grosso (
Date: Tue May 13 2003 - 16:16:07 EDT

  • Next message: Don Osborn: "Re: ISO 6438, the Niamey keyboard, and ISO/TC46/SC4/WG1"

    Hi Markus,

    This is interesting. FWIW, zh_TW_STROKE.txt has 13057 entries.

    Best regards,

    At 11:38 AM 5/13/2003 , Markus Scherer wrote:
    >ICU has a collation tailoring with traditional Chinese stroke order. It does reorder all "relevant" characters, resulting in a rather large tailoring table. I believe that we tailor something like the Big-5 character repertoire, certainly not all 70000 Han characters.
    >Take a look at
    >Collation charts (locale ID zh_TW_STROKE) -
    >Source file with the collation sequence -
    >User Guide -
    >For questions about using ICU, please use the icu4c-support list -
    >Best regards,

    Gary Grosso
    Arbortext, Inc.
    Ann Arbor, MI, USA

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