Re: Persian or Farsi?

From: Edward C. D. Hopkins (
Date: Thu May 22 2003 - 12:18:24 EDT

  • Next message: Rick Cameron: "RE: Persian or Farsi? (was RE: Decimal separator with more than o ne c haracter?)"

    > > Iran is a modern, rich and even beautiful country...
    > I ate at an Iranian restaurant in a suburb of Arlington, VA during the
    > Unicode conf Feb of last year -- was one of the most enjoyable restaurant
    > experiences I've ever had.

    Iran is a most beautiful country and, among many other things, it has the
    world's best skiing, something few who haven't visited or lived there

    But toward being back on topic: it is not clear to me if the roadmap
    includes or rejects Arsacid Parthian/Parthian Aramaic (and other descriptive
    names have been used). Can someone knowledgeable on inclusion of this
    Aramaic variant script in Unicode enlighten me?

    Thanks, and for more on the Parthian era in Iran, visit

    Chris Hopkins

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