From: Kenneth Whistler (
Date: Fri May 23 2003 - 22:36:00 EDT
Philippe Verdy continued:
> Even today, most websites (including Unicode.ord) cannot
> represent correctly mathematical formulas without using
> images (their representation as text makes the formula
> difficult to read and does not exhibit well its structure
> without using excessie levels of visible parenthesis).
That is what MathML is for.
> There's still no representation of "invisible parentheses" that
> could be encoded to group related entities on which an operator
> charactor applies,
Thas is what structural markup in MathML is for.
> and still no model for a bi-dimensional (non linear) representation
> of text
That is *not* what Unicode is for. (It is out-of-scope.)
> I bet that such extended and more general 2D
> composition/representation model will appear in a
> future version of Unicode to avoid infinite growth of
> the Unicode codepoints needed to represent text or
> technical publications,
I'll take that bet. Cash on the barrelhead?
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