Re: Dutch IJ, again

From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Mon May 26 2003 - 18:09:13 EDT

  • Next message: Philippe Verdy: "Re: Dutch IJ, again"

    From: "Stefan Persson" <>
    > Pim Blokland wrote:
    > > P.S. I haven't yet stumbled upon any words starting with ij which
    > > were NOT pronounced with the ij sound. I'm beginning to think words
    > > like that don't exist.
    > What if a Dutch source writes about a foreigner whose name begins with "ij"?

    Not a problem. We are discussing about a titlecase mapping for text labeled as Dutch (nl).

    This means that such language information is available in addition to the text.

    If the foreigner name is labeled as Dutch, it will use the Dutch rule; else it will be labelled with a different language and thus be excluded from this locale-sensitive case mapping rule...

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