Re: Not snazzy (was: New Unicode Savvy Logo)

From: Rick McGowan (
Date: Wed May 28 2003 - 18:08:44 EDT

  • Next message: Doug Ewell: "Criteria for displaying Savvy logo (was: Re: Not snazzy)"

    Since nobody else is saying anything even semi-official, let me
    inject... As we move through this discussion of snazziness and visual
    aspects of the "Unicode Savvy" logo, people should keep a couple of
    things in mind:

    1. UTC has not grappled with what "compliant" means, and unless/until
    that happens, you're not going to see that word used in conjunction with
    any logo or stamp of approval. You can also rule out "conformant".

    2. It is unikely that the Unicode *logo* itself (i.e. the thing at will be incorporated
    directly in any image that people are allowed to put on their websites,
    because to put the Unicode logo on a product or whatever requires a
    license agreement. I.e. the submissions from E. Trager are out of scope
    because they contain the Unicode logo on the left side.

    Those are just some things to keep in mind...


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