Re: When do you use U+2024 ONE DOT LEADER instead of U+002E FULL STOP?

From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Wed May 28 2003 - 21:13:41 EDT

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    From: "Karl Pentzlin" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 9:59 PM
    Subject: When do you use U+2024 ONE DOT LEADER instead of U+002E FULL STOP?

    > When do you use U+2024 ONE DOT LEADER instead of U+002E FULL STOP?
    > Is there a difference of appearance in high quality typesetting?
    > - Karl

    There seems to be a difference: leaders are expected to be written in sequences (sometimes long) to create a dotted line. The complete sequence of leaders then seems to be a form of tabulation (sort of whitespacing), and default ignorable, unlike the full stop which is a non ignorable punctuation (or a non ignorable decimal separator).

    Also the sequence of 3 one-dot leaders is not completely an ellipsis punctuation, because many typesettings include a tiny space after the ellipsis (or after the full dot), this thin space being absent from the isolated leader.

    The ellipsis is always a word or token separator, unlike the the full dot which maybe part of the same token (for example a decimal or floating or exponential number).

    So one-dot leaders can safely be replaced by spaces without affecting the semantic, unlike the full stop or the ellipsis.

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