Re: “book end” or <enclosing characters> in most languages?

From: Ben Dougall (
Date: Thu May 29 2003 - 16:53:54 EDT

  • Next message: Ben Dougall: "Re: When do you use U+2024 ONE DOT LEADER instead of U+002E FULL STOP?"

    On Thursday, May 29, 2003, at 02:16 pm, Pim Blokland wrote:

    > Ben Dougall schreef:
    >> the reason i said that bit is html and xml (i know they're not
    > human
    >> languages and they're certainly not in the area i'm asking about)
    > So you were not talking about computer languages and I don't need to
    > point out Pascal's (* *) and C's /* */ delimiters for comments?

    not what i had in mind, but worth noting. thanks.

    > OK...
    >> i wondering is there any language that uses of more than
    >> one glyph for an open or close, like in xml and html? they
    >> have a group of characters that together mean open or close
    > I seem to recall it was perfectly normal for typesetters to use two
    > single quotes instead of one double quote.

    yup, that's a good point. people could easily use that in usual text.
    '' or ‘‘ or ’’ would be an occurrence of two glyphs being used to
    symbolise a open or close in english. so the chances of it in other
    language - quite high i think.

    > So citations would be
    > entered ''like this'' instead of "like this". That's two characters
    > each.
    > And there is of course the colloquial habit of speaking the words
    > quote and unquote to delimit a citation. These words making up 5 and
    > 7 characters, respectively.

    yes, and that could happen in any language, i think.

    great information - just the sort of thing i'm after. thanks.

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