Re: When do you use U+2024 ONE DOT LEADER instead of U+002E FULL STOP?

From: Ben Dougall (
Date: Fri May 30 2003 - 18:19:12 EDT

  • Next message: Kenneth Whistler: "Re: When do you use U+2024 ONE DOT LEADER instead of U+002E FULL STOP?"

    On Friday, May 30, 2003, at 03:07 pm, John Cowan wrote:

    > Ben Dougall scripsit:
    >> why is it not categorised as white space then? or is it? doesn't look
    >> like it is to me, but i'm not sure how to actually find out for sure.
    > Well, um, it's not white: there is a dot in it.

    i was just querying what philippe had said, and wondering why unicode's
    categorising didn't match up with what he was saying:

    > There seems to be a difference: leaders are expected to be written in
    > sequences (sometimes long) to create a dotted line. The complete
    > sequence of leaders then seems to be a form of tabulation (sort of
    > whitespacing), and default ignorable, unlike the full stop which is a
    > non ignorable punctuation (or a non ignorable decimal separator).
    > So one-dot leaders can safely be replaced by spaces without affecting
    > the semantic, unlike the full stop or the ellipsis.

    that led me to ask, why it isn't categorised as white space.

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