Re: "my browser ... puts up a box"

From: Rick McGowan (
Date: Sat May 31 2003 - 13:57:32 EDT

  • Next message: John Cowan: "Re: "my browser ... puts up a box""

    Marion, Just out of curiosity, how did this spill over the Unicode list?
    The conversation seems to have arrived there in mid-stream. Please either
    take it back where it came from or provide some context for the Unicadetti.

    (And as usual this posting reflects only my personal view, not those of
    any other entity or organization.)


    Begin forwarded message:
    > From: Marion Gunn <>
    > Date: 2003-05-31 13:18:50 -0700
    > To:,
    > Subject: Re: "my browser ... puts up a box"
    > Sender:
    > Scríobh Mark Crispin <mrc@CAC.Washington.EDU>:
    > >What does this have to do with ietf-languages or unicode?
    > Some of us here decide to present the following question, Mark:
    > >What, then, is the code for the English of 'Northern Ireland'?
    > >(GB+NI=UK.)
    > And got a political proposal from Reuters, which is of no help.
    > Do you (in Washington.EDU) have some response to that question?
    > mg

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