Re: (OT) MS Windows and Unicode 4.0 ?

From: Peter Kirk (
Date: Thu Dec 04 2003 - 13:02:40 EST

  • Next message: Peter Kirk: "Re: Compression through normalization"

    On 04/12/2003 08:43, Edward H. Trager wrote:

    > ...
    >The work of SIL in our time, and consequences of that work as illustrated in Hartch's
    >article, remind me very much of parallels that one can see in the impact that the Jesuits
    >have had in various places in the world at various times in history, especially for example
    >in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in China. Here's one URL:
    Thank you. One may disagree on doctrine with the Jesuits, or with SIL,
    but still appreciate their influence in opening up the world and
    cross-fertilising different cultures. That may lead to loss of cultural
    purity and so upset some anthropologists, but it is surely to the
    benefit of all, even the most determined xenophobes.

    Peter Kirk (personal) (work)

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