Re: OT, utterly OT

From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Thu Jan 15 2004 - 11:45:07 EST

  • Next message: Frank da Cruz: "MIME-aware recode or iconv?"

    From: "Ram Viswanadha" <>
    > Michael Everson wrote:
    > > Anyone know how I can read a .mdb file? Please respond to me directly
    > > and not on the list.
    > .mdb is Microsoft Access Database file.

    I already replied to Michael which must be already aware of the meaning of
    that file extension (which designates in fact a Microsoft Jet 3.0 or 4.0
    Engine datafile, but not strictly and only a Access datefile). this format
    is now deprecated by Microsoft itself, as stated on MSDN, where its previous
    documentation is now hard to find (the actual documentation is probably now
    in the printed reference book, unless one can say where this old
    documentation is now in MSDN Library...

    Shamely, many links for reference APIs and papers in the MSDN site disappear
    at each major release of a Office or Windows product, and the online Search
    engine cannot always find where these documents were rearranged...

    For those interested on the subject of MDB files supported on other
    platforms than Windows, look at the "MDBTools" project for Linux/Unix on

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