RE: websites

From: Peter Constable (
Date: Mon Feb 23 2004 - 11:01:59 EST

  • Next message: Doug Ewell: "Small boxes (was: Re: websites)"

    > From: []
    On Behalf
    > Of Mayamin Dhall

    > We have to use a CMS called Red Dot (browser based) to manage the
    > website. I cut and pasted some text in Gujarati into the HTML text
    Editor, but all I got
    > was small boxes. Could anyone please tell me what is going wrong here?

    Whenever you see boxes, it means that the software is trying to draw the
    text using a font that doesn't support the particular characters in that

    Pick a different font -- one that supports Gujarati.

    Peter Constable
    Globalization Infrastructure and Font Technologies
    Microsoft Windows Division

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