From: Doug Ewell (
Date: Tue May 25 2004 - 02:17:04 CDT
John Cowan <cowan at ccil dot org> wrote:
> Doug Ewell scripsit:
>> Truye^.n cu?a o^ng la` nhu+~ng bo^. nho+' ghi la.i mo^.t ca'ch so^'ng
>> ddo^.ng nhu+~ng sinh hoa.t dda(.c bie^.t cu?a no^ng tho^n Vie^.t Nam
>> ca'ch dda^y nu+?a the^' ky?. Ta ye^u me^'n da^n to^.c ta\.
> So is this a 7-bit encoding, or a scheme layered on top of ASCII?
It's a scheme layered on top of ASCII, used for two main purposes: (1)
to pass through 7-bit mail channels, now mostly irrelevant, and (2) to
be easily typed on American keyboards, every bit as relevant as ever.
It's mostly used by Vietnamese living in the U.S.; typists in a hurry in
Vietnam just leave off the diacritics altogether.
Here's the same text in "real" Vietnamese, for comparison:
Truyện của ông là những bộ nhớ ghi lại một cách sống động những sinh
hoạt đặc biệt của nông thôn Việt Nam cách đây nửa thế kỷ. Ta yêu mến
dân tộc ta.
> And what is KOI-7?
A true 7-bit encoding for Russian, in which Cyrillic letters (small and
capital respectively) were encoded in the ranges where ASCII has Latin
letters (capital and small respectively).
-Doug Ewell
Fullerton, California
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