From: Dean Snyder (
Date: Tue May 25 2004 - 09:12:39 CDT
Michael Everson wrote at 2:45 PM on Tuesday, May 25, 2004:
>At 09:06 -0400 2004-05-25, Dean Snyder wrote:
>>Michael Everson wrote at 2:58 PM on Monday, May 24, 2004:
>>>In any case we're encoding the significant nodes
>>>in your *diascript. Similarly, Swedish, Bokmål,
>>>Nynorsk, and Danish are distinguished, as are the
>>>Romance languages.
>>Are you saying that Swedish, Danish, and the
>>Romance languages are not unified in Unicode?
>Are you being deliberately obtuse?
Dean A. Snyder
Assistant Research Scholar
Manager, Digital Hammurabi Project
Computer Science Department
Whiting School of Engineering
218C New Engineering Building
3400 North Charles Street
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, Maryland, USA 21218
office: 410 516-6850
cell: 717 817-4897
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