Sample of german -burg abbreviature

From: Jörg Knappen (
Date: Sun Sep 26 2004 - 04:16:40 CST

  • Next message: Adam Twardoch: "Re: Sample of german -burg abbreviature"

    I have scanned a sample of the german -burg abbreviature. It is from
    Diercke Weltatlas, 165. Auflage, Georg Westermann Verlag,
    Braunschweig 1972, card page 14.

    In the north you can find two times the -berg abbreviature in Herrenbg.
    [Herrenberg] and Brombg. [Bromberg]. SW from Tuebingen you find
    Rottenb[U]g. [Rottenburg] and south of it there's Weilerb[U]g.

    Note the fancy >>semi-cyrillic<< shape of the breve between the letters
    b and g -- it is quite typical for this cartographic font. I don't know
    what they do with a true breve (like in Romanian) since this atlas
    transkribes all names into german.

    The symbol fans may also note the circle with upright flag besides
    Hohenentringen and Roseck (denoting a castle) and the circle with
    slanted flag (denoting the ruins of a castle) besides Weilerburg.
    IMHO, the set of cartographic symbols is another one to be checked against

    --J"org Knappen

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