Re: Ezra

From: Edward H. Trager (
Date: Sun Nov 21 2004 - 17:02:26 CST

  • Next message: Philippe Verdy: "Re: [increasingly OT--but it's Saturday night] Re: Unicode HTML, download"

    On Sunday 2004.11.21 14:38:09 +0000, Peter Kirk wrote:
    > On 21/11/2004 00:05, Edward H. Trager wrote:
    > >...
    > >
    > > A better CSS class would additionally specify the font-family,
    > > for example, something like the SIL Ezra font
    > > (
    > >
    > >(4) Since your readers may not have certain fonts, In the case of legally
    > > downloadable fonts like SIL Ezra, I would definitely put a link to the
    > > download site so readers can download the (Hebrew) fonts if they need
    > > it to view
    > > your page.
    > >
    > >
    > Please don't use SIL Ezra for such purposes, which is a legacy encoded
    > and visually ordered Hebrew font, and is not rendered correctly in IE6.
    > Instead, please use Ezra SIL, which is basically the same outlines but
    > properly Unicode encoded. The URL given is for Ezra SIL, and it is a
    > free download.

    Are you saying the difference in names is "SIL Ezra" vs. "Ezra SIL" ?
    That's too confusing!

      When I gave the URL, I checked that it was referring
    to an "OpenType" font --and since it was OpenType, I assumed that it was the
    newer version with a Unicode CMAP. If SIL still has links to legacy non-Unicode
    versions of fonts which now also have Unicode versions, then they should make
    this really clear to people. My apologies if I provided the wrong URL.

    > By the way, this font mostly works fine with any Windows (95+) system.
    > Office 2003 is required only for ideal placement of certain accents etc.
    > --
    > Peter Kirk
    > (personal)
    > (work)

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