Re: Ezra

From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Sun Nov 21 2004 - 17:47:17 CST

  • Next message: John Cowan: "Re: Unicode HTML, download"

    From: "Edward H. Trager" <>
    > Are you saying the difference in names is "SIL Ezra" vs. "Ezra SIL" ?
    > That's too confusing!

    You're not alone to be confused. I had completely forgotten the existence of
    two versions of the same font design. I may have just seen that it used
    PUAs, so I did not install it (I did not remember that it used PUAs, and the
    wording of the sentence that introduced it in this discussion made me think
    that it was NOT using Unicode, and thus not PUAs which are Unicode things;
    that's where I supposed it was using some legacy Latin-1 override or similar
    hacks found in some special-purpose fonts, or in legacy non-TrueType-based
    font formats, like PostScript mappings within a 0-based indexed vector or
    hashed dictionnary of glyph names...)

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