From: Gregg Reynolds (
Date: Fri Feb 11 2005 - 09:52:56 CST
Adam Twardoch wrote:
> From: "Peter Kirk" <>
>> Perhaps a better approach would be for browsers, as a default option
>> which can be switched off, to warn users about mixed script domain
>> names (or even any non-ASCII domain names) with a dialogue box,
>> something like: "Domain name contains non-Latin
>> character(s). This may be a security risk. Are you sure you want to go
>> to this domain? OK Cancel".
> And this warning would appear every time for a Chinese or Arabic user?
> (Unless he figures out that he/she needs to goes to some options and
> switch it off?)
Couldn't it be based on system (or browser) locale? Your locale is
Chinese, you get a URL that looks chinese but uses non-chinese
charcodes, the browser does something useful. Could be a popup warning,
could be a flashing red background, etc.
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