Re: Off: IDN problem.... :(

From: Michael Everson (
Date: Fri Feb 11 2005 - 11:40:53 CST

  • Next message: Neil Harris: "Re: IDN problem.... :("

    At 09:20 -0800 2005-02-11, John Hudson wrote:
    >Adam Twardoch wrote:
    >>Cyrillic Q?
    >For Kurdish. The letter Q is part of the Kurdish Cyrillic alphabet,
    >but until now they have used the Latin codepoint,

    This is not proved. Until now, the UTC has unified the two Cyrillic
    letters with Latin letters.

    >which gives Kurdish a bi-script alphabet in Unicode terms. Some
    >people (including me) think a separate Cyrillic Q should be encoded,
    >following the disunification model for Cyrillic A,B,E,etc.

    Yes, indeed.

    Michael Everson * * Everson Typography *  *

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