From: Asmus Freytag (
Date: Wed Feb 16 2005 - 19:48:37 CST
At 04:17 PM 2/16/2005, Peter Kirk wrote:
>On 16/02/2005 22:56, Asmus Freytag wrote:
>>In that context it's interesting that while Andreas' examples all seemed
>>to originate from the former East Germany, ...
>This isn't actually true. For a start, a large number of his examples
>predate the division of the country, and it was not a geographical
>division either as several of these are from western areas such as
>Frankfurt am Main and Munich.
I looked at this briefly last year, mainly during the discussion at the UTC
and must have overlooked or not remembered the exceptions - that's why I
hedged my remark by saying "seemed".
Note that some of the material he cites is typographically 'avantgarde' in
a loose sense of that word. Not so much the use of U+00DF in uppercase
context, but the design of special forms for it. I remember that when
reading his proposal it struck me that the typography samples appeared
clustered around times of innovation.
> As for the more recent examples, it is not surprising if most are from
> eastern areas as that is where Andreas lives.
Yes, I noticed that, and apparently it colored my perception.
>But Hoffmann und Campe is a Hamburg publisher but still put NUßSCHALE on
>a cover - for a larger picture see
>and click on the book. And another example is from Frankfurter Allgemeine.
>Peter Kirk
> (personal)
> (work)
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