Re: [idn] IDN spoofing

From: Doug Ewell (
Date: Sat Feb 19 2005 - 15:31:37 CST

  • Next message: Erik van der Poel: "Re: [idn] IDN spoofing"

    Philippe Verdy <vpi92 at yahoo dot fr> wrote:

    > The bad thing about your argument is that you are trying to mix
    > uppercase and uppercase letters. But for IDN, only lowercase letters
    > are really made distinct and encodable, as uppercase letters are case
    > folded to lowercase. So let's just concentrate on the set of letters
    > that really are distinct in lowercase because this is the form where
    > DNS servers will make distinctions in ASCII letters.

    Fine, get rid of all the examples that involve uppercase. The problem
    is still there:

    -Doug Ewell
     Fullerton, California

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