Re: U+0023

From: Asmus Freytag (
Date: Fri Apr 01 2005 - 02:59:28 CST

  • Next message: Asmus Freytag: "Re: Unicode's Purpose/Goals [was: Re: Tamil 0B83: Tamil Aytham and Devanagari VisargaL]"

    At 04:10 PM 3/31/2005, Michael Everson wrote:
    >At 15:51 -0800 2005-03-31, Patrick Andries wrote:
    >>>U+004E U+1D52 U+02E2
    >>Correct, I must have last tried this before Unicode 4.0, before U+1D52
    >>was introduced.
    >>(I'm not sure anyone uses these characters to write N<sup>os</sup> in
    >>real life though).
    >It does suggest that the DEGREE sign is not "really" the right character
    >for the second part of the Numero sign. In my view either U+1D52 or
    >Masculine Ordinal would be preferable (if the latter has no underbar,
    >since U+02E2 has no underbar).
    >I can hear Ken groan at this misuse of characters.

    Not just Ken.


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