From: Michael Everson (
Date: Tue May 17 2005 - 12:21:22 CDT
At 11:46 -0400 2005-05-17, Patrick Andries wrote:
>>I agree too. For what it is worth, our
>>Slavicist experts, and our linguistic experts
>>in SC2 and UTC all approved the names, however
>>imperfect they may be.
>This is of course, I suppose, what has happened
>with all prior characters whose name later
>caused problem : they were approved.
It has not been shown that there are any real
problems with the Glagolitic names.
>The only concern left here is whether it is « parlant » as we say in French.
>Would someone knowing Glagolitic know immediately which character this is
Professor Cleminson knows Glagolitic. The
proposal was also reviewed by other specialists.
>(I have asked an Austrian contact and he may
>well say yes this is perfect ;-) and everything
>will thus be fine with this character (not
>convinced about the "spidery ha" though).
Well, if Professor Cleminson's citation of both
Russian and Bulgarian terms for "spidery ha"
which both translate as "spidery ha" don't
convince you, I suppose you just don't want to be
-- Michael Everson * * Everson Typography * *
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