From: Michael Everson (
Date: Tue May 31 2005 - 17:44:14 CDT
At 22:47 +0200 2005-05-31, ëÚ•ýžËøý êý”Ëà wrote:
> > > 3) Why ``SHTAPIC'' and not ``PALOCHKA'' or ``STICK''? And could
>> >explain to me what is the use of this character?
>> It's used in the Balkans, not in Russia, so a
>> Balkan Slavic name was used. It is some sort of
> > soft sign if I recall.
>Is it really (Old) Slavic?
No, I don't think so.
>``òÚýÔËÃ'' is a modern Serbian and Croatian word
>(BTW, it should read ``SHTAPITCH'', with
>``TSHE'', not ``TSE'' at the end), but I doubt
>it is Old Slavic.
There is no good way of writing Croatian in Latin
without diacritics. C, C-ACUTE, and C-CARON are
all problematic, and it doesn't matter anyway.
The name can't be changed now.
>And again, if ``SHTAPIC'' is a soft sign, hen it
>is another example of variant font-only forms
>encoded in Unicode. At least it reminds me of
>square Glagolitic soft sign.
Just because it is a way of representing a
palatalization mark, does not mean that it is a
glyph variant of soft sign. It may have a
different origin.
-- Michael Everson * * Everson Typography * *
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