From: Hans Aberg (
Date: Tue May 31 2005 - 18:02:06 CDT
At 21:14 +0200 2005/05/31, ëÚ•ýžËøý êý”Ëà wrote:
>... why the heck
>was ``fi'' or ``ffi'' encoded when these two can be expressed with their
>corresponding atoms, ...
One other way to view this (than backwards
compatibility with existing character sets), is
that the Unicode abstract character set contains
more than one type of abstract characters. With
modern computing techniques, the most important
type to add is the semantic character, which
provides proper atomic linguistic semantic units.
The characters above, are glyphs, used to
simplify rendering.
One can mix different types of abstract
characters fairly freely, if one just add
property a field, enabling one to separate them.
-- Hans Aberg
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