identifying greek characters in an old book

From: Morgan Wahl (
Date: Fri Oct 14 2005 - 20:51:39 CST

  • Next message: Morgan Wahl: "Re: identifying greek characters in an old book"

    I was looking at the page from the "Oratio Dominica" book at, and was
    having trouble identifying a few of the characters:

    firstly, there's a vowel (it must be, since it takes tone marks) that
    looks like ȣ (u0223). I figured it was just a glyph varient of υ
    (u03c5) upsilon, since I didn't see any other possible upsilon glyphs
    on the page. But a few pages later there's another Greek translation
    that uses the usual upsilon glyph alongside the funny-upsilon.

    the second word in the first line has some glyph that I've never seen
    anything like (see attached hem.png). This word appears multiple times
    and each is identical. I can make out eta-with breath-mark and mu, and
    maybe that's a delta at the end...

    the last word in the first line (uraiois.png) has an example of the
    funny-upsilon and a ligature that I _think_ is rho-alpha

    on the first numbered line the first word (Agiatheto.png) has what
    look's like theta-eta, but the theta is different from the one in the
    next line (Eltheto.png). Contextual variant?

    In line three there's some symbol between two words (urano_opi.png).
    No clue on this one. The second word has what I've guessed to be a
    omicron-pi ligature, but I'm not at all sure about that.

    on line four there's another odd letter (ton.png). at first I thought
    it was some kind of intial-tau, but there's a regular tau glyph in
    initial position elsewere in the same text, and this symbol is in the
    middle of a word later on.

    finally, the last two words (aidnas.png, amen.png) have
    indecipherables. I've guess the first one starts with alpha and ends
    nu-alpha-finalsigma. a delta before the nu would make sense
    phonetically, but what to make of what's attached to it? mu?
    iota-iota? The last word is, I'm assuming, "amen", but what are the
    specific characters here?

    Thanks greatly for any help identifying these.
            -Morgan Wahl

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