Re: A character joke

From: Doug Ewell (
Date: Sat Nov 12 2005 - 12:28:14 CST

  • Next message: Mark Davis: "Re: three questions about alphabet files at Michael Everson site"

    Michael Everson <everson at evertype dot com> wrote:

    > Tech support: How may I help you?
    > Customer: I'm writing my first e-mail.
    > Tech support: OK, and what seems to be the problem?
    > Customer: Well, I have the letter 'a' in the address, but how do
    > I get the circle around it?

    In fact, I did suggest using the CJK-compatibility characters U+24B6
    (circled A, Ⓐ) and U+24D0 (circled a, ⓐ) as an alternative to last
    year's proposal to create a "spoof buddy" clone of the @ symbol for
    Koalib orthographic use.

    Doug Ewell
    Fullerton, California, USA

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