From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Sat Mar 04 2006 - 14:07:21 CST
From: "Andreas Prilop" <>
> Would you write it like this?
> In Mozilla-like browsers, toggle styles via
> View > Use Style > Right to Left
> View > Use Style > Left to Right
In IE7, I don't see any difference between the two modes:
View > Encoding > Right to Left document
View > Encoding > Left to Right document
(only a minor difference of centering for the whole text, due to different margin sizes)
What does the Hebrew maqaf punctuation has special relative to its ordering in the middle of an Hebrew text (which is unambiguously right-to-left) ?
And why do you encode Maqafs in distinct HTML spans (or more exactly, out of the spans that contain the letters, and for which your CSS rules uses the "unicode-bidi:embed" style, instead of the "unicode-bidi:override" for the paragraphs containing the text spans and the maqafs out of those spans ?)
So what is the interest of putting hyphens or maqafs out of the text spans, and then break the normal logical ordering seen in the text without hyphens and maqafs?
For me the hebrew text with syllables punctuated with maqafs does not display in the correct order, with the way you tweaked it, or one must read each Hebrew syllable or word in the unusual left-to-right order... But may be this tweak is what you wanted, to display such Hebrew text below a left-to-right musical scores (I note for example that hebrew paragraphs in the ".he" class are overriden to force LTR rendering, and that syllables are then in spans using the embedding ordering style,so that letters are in the normal hebrew RTL order, but maqaf punctuations are not affected).
In fact I just wonder if maqafs are correct in such context, because the syllable breaks in the middle of the word are reversing the visual syllable order here, and nothing indicates visually that the reading order is different from the usual hebrew reading.
I think this should be generic n-dashes, with word-separations possibly using longer m-dashes, and that the word and syllable separation spaces or dashes should get strong Left-to-Right order, with just the syllables exhibiting their usual RTL order of letters. Using dashes instead of maqafs would visually indicate the intended LTR order of words and syllables for reading this text with unusual reading order (however the reading order may be infered from the context of the musical stores if they are present above this text).
The simpler alternative of course would be be use right-to-left scores...
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