Re: 'No Character' symbol

From: Adam Twardoch (
Date: Fri May 05 2006 - 07:51:58 CST

  • Next message: Peter Edberg: "Re: 'No Character' symbol"

    Richard Wordingham wrote:
    > for example, the Apple logo should not be accessible on a Windows
    > platform!
    The Microsoft Typography Hinting and Production Guidelines document
    defines criteria that must be met by fonts that are produced *for
    Microsoft* (i.e. are commissioned for or licensed by Microsoft for
    inclusion in Windows, Office or other applications). There is a passage
    "For Microsoft fonts, a legal restriction requires that character code
    240 (Apple logo) in 'cmap' 1, 0 must be mapped to the missing glyph."
    ( ).

    I see no reason for drawing a conclusion that in general-purpose fonts,
    the Apple logo should not be accessible on Windows.


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