Re: PRI#86 Update

From: SADAHIRO Tomoyuki (
Date: Wed May 10 2006 - 09:46:55 CDT

  • Next message: Rick McGowan: "New Public Review Issue: UTS #10 Proposed Update"


    I did feedback about this through
    but is it better to talk here too?

    Self introduction: I have an implementation of UAX#15
    in the perl language

    > Re:
    > There is additional informative text in UAX #15: Normalization Forms
    > based on text contributed by Ken Whistler, at
    > Feedback is welcome.
    > Mark

    Is a process which adopts this alternative approach to forbid
    some characters still conformant with UAX#15?

    I think no; this alternative approach breaks UAX15-C3,
    as the conformance test includes the corrected mappings.

    Then, how can the alternative approach, being inconformant,
    contribute to the stability of Normalized Forms?

    I assume noway; the forbidding just makes another result
    that is different from that out of a conformant process.

    SADAHIRO Tomoyuki

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