From: Arne Goetje (
Date: Sun Jun 03 2007 - 09:07:41 CDT
Hash: SHA1
Andrew West wrote:
> On 26/01/07, "Arne Götje (高盛華)" <> wrote:
>> cases dictionary authors tend to "invent" new characters for them. For
>> example, one of the famous dictionaries in Taiwan, 台華雙語辭典 by Mr.
>> Yang Qing-Chu (楊青矗), lists 152 "invented" characters, most of them
>> are not encoded in Unicode.
> Taiwan have just submitted a proposal to encode 24 characters required
> for Taiwanese and Hakka (see
> <>
> and <>), taken
> from a number of different dictionaries, including two characters from
> 台華雙語辭典. How far does this go towards filling the gap of the 152
> invented characters in 台華雙語辭典? What characters in this dictionary
> still remain to be encoded?
> Andrew
attached is my list of missing characters. I will prepare a font and
evidence later... takes some time to scan 150 pages and put them into a
I'm just now working on collecting the rest of the missing Hakka
characters... almost finished.
- --
Arne Götje (高盛華) <>
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⿰丁東 # 24.1 invented
⿰亻因 # 47.4 Ext. C 00976
⿰亻罕 # 52.4 invented
⿰亻相 # 62.12 Ext. C 01262
⿰亻通 # 66.6 invented
⿱入下 # 78.1 invented
⿰冫吊 # 87.5 invented
⿰冫彥 # 88.6 IRGN1305A 2
⿰冫悉 # 88.8 invented
⿰奚刂 # 101.7 n/a
⿰賁刂 # 102.11 invented
⿰尞刂 # 102.8 n/a
⿰呈力 # 107.1 invented
⿰賁力 # 110.4 invented
⿹勹馬 # 113.10 invented
⿹勹央 # 113.3 invented
⿹勹求 # 113.6 invented
⿰勿愛 # 115.1 n/a
⿰要卜 # 124.3 n/a
⿰口甩 # 153.1 invented
⿱口占 # 153.2 invented
⿰口央 # 154.4 invented
⿰口务 # 155.8 invented
⿰口杀 # 157.6 Ext. D TC-387A
⿰口穵 # 158.8 invented
⿰口⿱幺攵 # 159.11 invented
⿰口吳 # 159.13 n/a
⿰口知 # 165.6 Ext. D WZ100202
⿰口迫 # 167.12 Ext. D ZFY00776
⿰女⿱亠母 # 233.1 invented
⿰⿱爫孑出 # 243.4 invented
⿱宀侖 # 254.1 invented
⿰彳市 # 305.12 invented
⿰彳至 # 307.1 Ext. D TC-3B3B
⿰彳車 # 308.8 invented
⿰彳帝 # 310.4 invented
⿰彳尞 # 312.5 Ext. D V04-4823
⿰忄卡 # 320.2 Ext. D TC-3171
⿰忄它 # 321.8 invented
⿰忄足 # 325.13 invented
⿰忄臿 # 333.2 invented
⿱⿰冫卓心 # 335.5 invented
⿰才彡 # 354.2 invented
⿱卯手 # 367.1 invented
⿱戊手 # 367.2 invented
⿱他手 # 370.2 invented
⿰扌回 # 371.6 IRGN1305A 6
⿰扌向 # 372.1 Ext. D TC-3C22
⿱行手 # 372.3 invented
⿱休手 # 373.1 invented
⿰扌乒 # 376.4 invented
⿰扌含 # 377.4 Ext. D UTC00640
⿰扌皂 # 380.2 invented
⿰扌⿱欠口 # 380.3 invented
⿰扌𠩂 # 381.8 invented (U+20A42)
⿰扌帘 # 382.4 invented
⿰扌⿱宀占 # 386.1 invented
⿰扌穻 # 388.4 invented
⿰扌頁 # 392.2 invented
⿰扌⿱穴亢 # 394.5 invented
⿱咸手 # 397.7 invented
⿰扌盃 # 397.9 invented
⿰扌⿱⺲古 # 401.1 invented
⿰扌拲 # 401.5 invented
⿰扌𣳾 # 403.13 invented
⿰扌覓 # 407.3 invented
⿰扌貿 # 410.2 invented
⿰扌勢 # 414.10 n/a
⿰扌賤 # 417.2 n/a
⿰平攴 # 424.1 invented
⿰夸攴 # 425.3 invented
⿰呂攴 # 426.1 invented
⿰巠攴 # 427.1 invented
⿰呈攴 # 428.5 invented
⿰扁攴 # 430.2 invented
⿰曷斗 # 435.3 invented
⿰日早 # 448.11 invented
⿰日當 # 457.11 Ext. D TE-2340
⿰木口 # 474.1 Ext. C 10749
⿱相同 # 502.4 IRGN1305A 8
⿰至欠 # 512.3 invented
⿺堯欠 # 515.6 invented
⿰止周 # 518.2 invented
⿰歹更 # 522.4 invented
⿰歹奧 # 523.8 n/a
⿰氵口 # 534.8 Ext. D ZJW00492
⿰火老 # 591.4 Ext. D TC-4C35
⿰火爭 # 596.5 Ext. C 13008
⿰火周 # 596.6 Ext. C 12997
⿰火泉 # 599.13 invented
⿰火𠳋 # 599.14 invented (U+20CCB)
⿰火旁 # 601.3 Ext. C 13126
⿱㓞牙 # 610.1 invented (U+34DE)
⿰牛冓 # 614.14 invented
⿰哥瓜 # 634.11 invented
⿰生肖 # 639.5 invented
⿰生肴 # 640.1 invented
⿸疒折 # 651.13 invented
⿸疒哥 # 655.2 Ext. D CYY00972
⿰白包 # 663.9 invented
⿰目𠤕 # 676.14 invented (U+20915)
⿱⿳亠丷冖石 # 685.9 invented
⿰石契 # 689.16 invented
⿰石羡 # 691.11 n/a
⿰立店 # 712.5 Ext. C 15770
⿰立當 # 712.8 invented
⿰糸休 # 740.2 invented
⿰糸含 # 741.1 invented
⿰⺼孝 # 782.1 Ext. D TC-5875 ⿰月孝
⿰⺼汞 # 782.4 n/a
⿰⺼惠 # 788.3 invented
⿰肖叟 # 789.5 invented
⿰舌刅 # 800.1 invented
⿰舌失 # 800.4 invented
⿰舌⿱⿻㇒一疋 # 801.1 invented
⿰舌穿 # 801.4 invented
⿱流虫 # 850.16 n/a
⿰祟蚤 # 857.4 n/a
⿰衤步 # 867.1 invented
⿰上見 # 874.1 invented
⿰真見 # 876.3 invented
⿰言八 # 880.1 invented
⿰貝蒦 # 917.9 invented (U+84A6)
⿺走㇒ # 920.1 invented
⿺走⿱㇒㇒ # 920.2 invented
⿰足丫 # 926.3 invented
⿰足即 # 930.11 n/a
⿰足百 # 930.4 n/a
⿰足宋 # 930.5 invented
⿰足斬 # 933.12 Ext. D TE-3143
⿰足昷 # 933.3 invented (U+6637)
⿰足彪 # 934.14 n/a
⿰身丑 # 937.6 n/a
⿰身开 # 937.8 invented
⿰身玄 # 938.1 invented
⿰身閏 # 938.11 invented
⿰乞車 # 940.2 invented
⿰既車 # 942.5 [only left part of 既] invented
⿰車冓 # 945.9 invented
⿺辶爪 # 952.6 invented
⿺辶⿱㐅木 # 955.2 invented
⿺辶系 # 956.5 invented
⿺辶足 # 956.6 invented
⿰乞⻏ # 972.10 invented
⿰它⻏ # 974.8 invented
⿰金罕 # 997.20 n/a
⿰金庫 # 1003.10 n/a
⿰金萎 # 1006.8 invented
⿵門豆 # 1015.7 invented
⿵門爭 # 1016.9 n/a
⿰飠成 # 1070.3 Ext. D ZJW01839
⿰骨召 # 1083.9 invented
⿱此魚 # 1096.3 n/a
⿰角鳥 # 1105.8 n/a
This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.5 : Sun Jun 03 2007 - 09:11:41 CDT