Re: hexatridecimal internationalisation

From: JFC Morfin (
Date: Tue Jun 19 2007 - 21:00:56 CDT

  • Next message: Asmus Freytag: "Re: hexatridecimal internationalisation"

    At 20:01 19/06/2007, Hans Aberg wrote:
    >On 19 Jun 2007, at 19:46, Otto Stolz wrote:
    >>JFC Morfin had written:
    >>>I have H7 Hexatridecimal (295 in decimal) in ASCII,
    >>I do not understand your system: 295 (base 10) is 8×36 + 7,
    >>so you are saying that you wish to write «H» for digit 8,
    >>and «7» for digit 7?
    >It is probably a typo; see <
    >Hexatridecimal>. Just write the numbers 0-35 as 0-9, A-Z, so that H =
    >15. Then H7 = 17*36+7 = 619.

    Correct. A typo of mine.

    >>>how do I write it in Greek or Arab characters.
    >>Hans Aberg has replied:
    >>>it seems that you somehow want to get hold of 26 Greek or Arab
    >>>letters to do it.
    >>Only that the Greek alphabet has less than 26 characters,
    >>and it has a tradition of using particular letters as
    >In the month since the first post, not much information has been given.

    What do you want me to tell more? You perfectly describe the poblem.
    For every alphabet with more than 26 characters - which to chose
    For those with less, is there an existing or possible solution
    already devised in other cases?

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