RE: Phetsarat font, Lao unicode

From: Brian Wilson (
Date: Wed Jul 11 2007 - 18:46:53 CDT

  • Next message: John Hudson: "Re: Phetsarat font, Lao unicode"

    >> Both Lao
    >> and Thai are legitimate languages. The pedagogical need to refer to
    >> without a base consonant is not an everyday necessity, but that doesn't
    >> lesson its validity.

    >Bringing the conventions you have cited to the attention
    >of Microsoft and Apple implementers and to representatives
    >of the OpenType community such as John Hudson ought to suffice.
    >Just follow it up with them. This is particularly important
    >with Microsoft, as the dotted circle behavior is baked into
    >the OS in that case through the use of uniscribe.dll.


    1. Does this mean that my problem can not be solved by unicode and that I
    need to go to a different level? (It's nice to discuss things, but
    eventually a solution is needed.)

    2. Does anyone have contact information to the MS, Apple people and John



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