Re: "French+" support by Unicode

From: Hans Aberg (
Date: Tue Apr 08 2008 - 04:09:18 CDT

  • Next message: JFC Morfin: "Re: "French+" support by Unicode"

    On 5 Apr 2008, at 19:00, JFC Morfin wrote:
    > For a preparatory work at ISOC France on IETF Internationalized
    > Domain Names though Applications I need to document all the code
    > points corresponding to the support of the France's languages: (1)
    > French (2) Litterary Arabic (3) Berber (4) the various "langues de
    > France" (Breton, Provençal, Occitant, Basque, Normand, Picard,
    > Lorrain, Alsacien, Corse, etc.). Also the differences between ISO
    > 10646 and Unicode 5.0, since ISO 10646 is bilingual.
    > Would someone know if that information is published and where?

    This might be difficult for any single language, because for example
    Swedish, although formally not using diacritical marks except for the
    individual letters äåöÅÄÖ, borrowed words may use them, like in "idé".

    But if you can do it for individual languages, then the rest can be
    done taking the union of languages in lists like in:

       Hans Åberg

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