From: John Hudson (
Date: Wed May 21 2008 - 21:43:55 CDT
Philippe Verdy wrote:
> - This is standard rule for all punctuation signs drawn using more than one
> glyph, and that need some spacing around them (the only exception is the
> ellipsis written without spaces before them, and long dashes that also need
> spacing for the inner side).
The key word here should be *glyph*. Correct cultural norms for spacing
punctuation should not be a text encoding issue at all, any more than
spacing any other glyphs should be an encoding issue. These should be
display issues, handled via font intelligence and language tagging.
John Hudson
-- Tiro Typeworks Gulf Islands, BC Nobody can possibly know the reach of language, whether liturgical or otherwise, so one should just keep going until one is too exhausted to go any further. - Catherine Pickstock
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