From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Thu May 22 2008 - 03:44:52 CDT
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De :
> [] De la part de Eric Muller
> Envoyé : jeudi 22 mai 2008 06:58
> À :
> Cc : 'Jim Allan';
> Objet : Re: Exemplifying apostrophes
> Philippe Verdy wrote:
> > - But the presentation HTML page for French
> > ( is still using the
> ASCII quote.
> >
> The pages at the website are not under the control
> the UDHR in Unicode project. There is an HTML version on the unicode
OK, but this is the first link provided. So the OHCR site is wrong (it is
not even matching the original UN document which was bilingual in 1948).
> > And another problem:
> > - Also in articles 4, 18, 21.3, 22, 25.1, 26.1 there's a semi-colon
> > missing a non-breaking space before it (NNBSP is possibly
> preferable,
> > but NBSP is widely used in most French sources, SPACE is always
> > incorrect
> Please stop making authoritative-looking statements when they are not.
Spacing before semicolons is *THE* MOST WIDELY used conventiçn in French.
You'll see this recommanded everywhere. This is not invented or specific.
There's certainly various encoding for this spacing, but I maintain that the
absence of spacing is considered as an error by almost everyone, and that
not making this spacing not breaking will create other problems.
I maintain that the original UN document (in 1948) had this narrow non
breaking space (just like it had the right single quotes and no vertical
quotes, including in English).
I don't want to be authoritiative, the authoritative statement comes from
the original document.
So STOP bashing people. You're just insulting.
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